Located between Las Vegas and Salt Lake City, locals joke that St. George is a few hours from everything. But for the Rogers family, owners of Rogers Construction Inc., St. George is the center of their family and business.
Operating a construction and excavating business and working the land in a place like St. George is certainly a challenge.
“In southern Utah, we have a whole variety of different kinds of rock,” said Landon Rogers, Rogers Construction Supervisor and third-generation family member. “We have basalt or lava rocks, sandstone and mudstone that are almost hard as steel. We need durability in our machines to handle it.”
They call it “digging,” but when you see the machines tear into the red Utah rock, you’ll see it’s actually more of a “carving” process. For much of their work, they use ripper attachments to assist in breaking through the tough ground.
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“In the sandstone areas, we’ve found that a 30-ton class Hitachi can routinely rip and tear at the sandstone and develop a fillable material out of it,” Landon said. “That’s huge for us. Hitachi really holds up in the solid rock that we work in.”
The machines have held up so much so, that Rogers’ entire fleet of excavators is exclusively Hitachi orange. Curtis Rogers, Rogers Construction President and second-generation Owner, noted that Hitachi has always been their choice. The firm has been growing its fleet since it began in 1965.
“Hitachi had stuck out to us from the beginning,” Curtis said. “The control and the feel that you have in the machine doesn’t compare to the competition. My operators always enjoy running the Hitachi equipment. When you find something good, you stick with it.”
And stuck with it they have. Their Hitachi loyalty is especially noticeable when they describe their lineup.
“We’ve got a lot of Hitachis. We’ve still got ‘Old Bertha,’ a big EX400 with 15,000 hours on it. Then we’ve got minis all the way up to our new 350. So, it’s pretty exciting when a new machine joins our fleet because we know it’s going to be around for a long time. If Hitachi made pickup trucks, we’d have to buy those, too,” Landon said.
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Recently, the Rogers family sold land they purchased decades ago to build a housing development as well as a new medical facility.
“The way we buy and develop our own land is a bit unique,” Landon said. “It’s definitely a long-term investment. My family bought some of the land we’re developing today over 30 years ago. You have to have the patience for it to pay off.”
A lot of the land they purchased years ago was on the outskirts of town. Now, as St. George grows, their land’s value does, too. The subdivision they’re currently developing will feature some of the most high-end realty in the area.
“We’re developing 52 lots in the red sandstone cliffs. With the rocky terrain, we’re essentially carving out spots for these houses,” Landon said. “With the topography and materials, each lot is its own unique challenge. But at the end, these houses will be worth roughly $3 million to $5 million.”
Developing the tough land day in and day out requires durability from their excavators.
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“We’ve found that the Hitachis can dig through about any rock here that we have,” Landon said. “And that’s saying something. Overall, we’ve found that as far as pins, bushings and boom structures go, Hitachi just holds up over the long run digging in this tough material.”
When it comes to increasing efficiency, every little bit makes a difference for the bottom-line. Landon thinks fuel consumption is a large part of what makes Hitachi stand out.
“Our fuel consumption savings are huge,” Landon said. “I feel like I get so much more work done with Hitachi and the Isuzu engine than other competitive machines. That’s another huge factor for us as owners and operators.”
A large part of staying up to date with their machinery is the support they receive from their dealer, Honnen Equipment.
“Our dealer has been excellent in finding us the right Hitachi equipment,” Landon said. “We have a really strong business relationship, and I feel like they’re always watching out for us.”
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Honnen’s support and parts availability has been a large part of increasing Rogers’ uptime.
“The biggest thing they do is truly care, and always touch base and get us what we need,” Landon said. “If we need a filter, or anything, they’re there. That saves us time and money, which we really appreciate.”
The one caveat about working with the Rogers family from the dealership side is that they’re pretty stubborn about what they test drive.
“Yeah, we don’t even really consider machines that aren’t Hitachi,” Landon said.
“Dirt runs through our blood,” Landon said. “My grandpa got involved in the construction industry and started the business, and he’s worked to grow it ever since with my dad.”
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Landon’s grandfather and Curtis’ dad, Richard Rogers, is a somewhat gregarious and strong-willed man and is known by everyone in town as “Rocket.”
“My dad used to drive freight for a company that was called Ringsby Rocket,” Curtis said. “Some people don’t even know his real name.”
Landon being able to see his dad and grandfather work together for all these years is something he cherishes.
“I have had so much pride working with them,” Landon said. “But I think overall, working with my dad has created a stronger father-son relationship.”
Curtis echoed how important family is to him.
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“Family is everything to me,” Curtis said. “It means more than all of this machinery or all of the money in the world.”
Curtis hopes Landon’s three-year-old son, Lincoln, will be the next generation of the company.
“I’d love to see the company go on for another 50 years. Landon’s got a son and he loves tractors, so I’m hoping there’d be a time he’d be in the business,” Curtis said. “We’ll keep on digging dirt for a lifetime.”
“The technology of GPS grade guidance that Hitachi offers makes my good operators even better,” Curtis said. “It makes them move material once instead of twice, and all efficiency is money. The technology and ability to see what they need to do is very crucial in this business. I’m a firm believer that you need to keep up with technology.”